ProShot Is Proud To Support The Largest
Ocean Cleanup Effort In History!
Thanks to our amazing customers, ProShot has matched thousands of dollars in donations to help keep our oceans clean.
Over 5 trillion pieces of plastic litter our oceans, creating five massive garbage patches. The largest is called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is located between California and Hawaii. Together we can help solve this problem.
ProShot donates $1 to The Ocean Cleanup for every sale on our site, in addition to matching all customer contributions.
Over 5 Trillion Pieces of Plastic Currently Litter the Ocean
Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter the oceans, of which the majority spills out from rivers. A portion of this plastic travels to ocean garbage patches, getting caught in a vortex of circulating currents. The plastics then break down into smaller and smaller pieces, becoming harder to clean and easier to mistake for food by sealife.
If no action is taken, these plastics will increasingly impact our
ecosystems, health, and economies.

Ocean Garbage Patches are Vast and Dispersed.
Ocean currents concentrate plastic in five areas in the world; the subtropical gyres, also known as the world's "ocean garbage patches". Once in these patches, the plastic will not go away by itself.
The hardest part of cleaning up the gyres is that plastic pollution spreads across millions of square kilometers and travels in all directions. Covering this area using vessels and nets would take thousands of years and cost billions of dollars to complete.
How can we use these ocean currents to our advantage?
The Impact of Cleanup
The Ocean Cleanup's models indicate that a full-scale system roll-out could clean up 50% of the Great Pacific Garbage patch in 5 years.
Research shows the majority of plastic by mass is currently in the larger debris. By removing the plastic while most of it is still large, it's prevented from breaking down into dangerous microplastics.
Combining the cleanup with source reduction on land paves the road towards a plastic free ocean by 2050.

Rivers are the main source of ocean plastic pollution. The Ocean Cleanup's research found that 1,000 rivers are responsible for roughly 80% of riverine pollution.
The Ocean Cleanup has developed the first scalable solution to efficiently intercept plastic in rivers before it reaches the oceans. By tackling these 1,000 rivers around the world, they aim to halt 80% of riverine plastic from entering the oceans in five years from rollout.